Our Commitment

Occupational Health And Safety
The safety of our employees and our local community is paramount. Regular, compulsory training ensures the skills and knowledge of every employee is up to date – regardless of position and role in the business.
At Austech Chemicals, we believe that it is in both our interest and that of our customer for health and safety to be pegged to the highest standards. Strict adherence to health and safety guidelines greatly assist with this, and our internal health and safety manuals are both detailed and current.
Our dedication takes us one step further than this. At Austech Chemicals, we actively strive to ensure that our facility continues to be identified as an industry leader.
We welcome visitors to our view or facilities or review our systems. Please contact Austech to make a suitable time.

Environmental Responsibility
Management and staff are acutely aware of the importance and uniqueness of the Australian environment. This environmental awareness informs every policy and procedure.
Our location and size requires that we are regularly audited by workplace health and safety, environmental and local government inspectors. This scrutiny is welcomed and provides valuable cooperation between regulators and Austech Chemicals.
Our facility is completely bunded and we take extreme care to ensure that none of our day to day procedures impact negatively on our surrounds. The company maintains an ongoing training program for all employees to ensure that we always comply with the industry’s best practices. We regularly attend training programs and seminars to ensure that we are always at the forefront of the best systems of manufacturing and handling in our industry.

Our Policy On Climate Change
Austech Chemicals will assume a proactive role in the automotive chemical processing industry to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions as described below. We believe we cannot accomplish significant reductions alone; we need the support of our customers, suppliers, as well as government policy that establishes certainty for stakeholders and allows significant investments in greenhouse gas mitigation.
Austech Chemicals intends to calculate and report the aggregate greenhouse gas emissions from our operations beginning in 2013. As Austech Chemicals expands, we continue to consider renewable energy generation technology where suitable.